So you’d like to quit tobacco. Research shows that if you pick a day that’s within the next 30 days and stick to it, you’ll be more likely to succeed in quitting. Why not pick the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smoke out Day on Thursday, November 17, 2016 as your quit day. As the holidays approach, it’s a good time to take stock of our well-being.
Here are some ways to get you prepared:
- Tell all of your friends, family members, and co-workers about your quit day.
- Visit out and download the Quit Clock desktop helper.
- Download the Quit for Life mobile app. Yes it works with IOS and Android.
- Stock up on oral substitutes: hard candy, sugarless gum, etc.
If you’ve tried to quit smoking in the past, think back to your last attempt. Try to figure out what worked and what did not work for you. Honestly, there is NO, right or wrong way to quit. Quitting tobacco is like losing weight, it takes a strong commitment over a long period of time. Tobacco users may wish that something magical would appear, like a method, a patch or pill that would make quitting easy and painless. Unfortunately, there isn’t. Nicotine substitutes can help reduce withdrawal symptoms, but they are not effective when used as part of a plan that address both the physical and psychological components of quitting tobacco.
Quit for you and everyone who cares for you! Join the Great American Smokeout. End your addiction to tobacco. The benefits begin in minutes.
For tools and resources visit:
Dr. Shamva Wright-Shingler is a professor and Assistant Chairperson of the Allied Health Department at The College of Westchester.