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Tips for Overwhelmed Adult Online Students

Now that we’re well into Back-to-School season, the excitement of a fresh start is beginning to wane as reality, complete with assignments, exams, and other deadlines, sets in. It’s completely normal for some students to feel overwhelmed and nervous, especially if this is their first online course or first time taking a course in a long time.

Though it’s normal for self-doubt and panic to creep in, there are some ways to stay grounded and calm. For example, making sure to read all announcements and formulating a plan for yourself can make it easier to get into the swing of things. When you have a chance, check out this article from the Huffington Post.  It shares some helpful tips for overwhelmed students.

The Learning Center at CW offers a welcoming, comfortable environment for students seeking a quiet area for study and computer utilization.  We recognize and emphasize the needs of the students to handle their academic requirements while balancing family and job responsibilities.  Tutoring is conducted with the understanding that students have different learning styles that need to be addressed with professionalism and patience. The staff at The Learning Center works collaboratively with instructors to ensure student success in pursuit of their college degrees.

CW also utilizes Brainfuse, an online tutoring service. Brainfuse provides a unique suite of tutoring, study, and collaboration tools that supports academic studies. Students are able to access Brainfuse’s live, on-demand tutors for a variety of subjects, browse their extensive collection of academic lessons, send in a draft of a paper for review, take a practice test, and use the collaboration tools, among many other options. Simply login to Brainfuse to begin exploring the services today!

If you live close by and wish to utilize the facilities at CW, the library includes well-equipped computer workstations with the latest software and full range of multimedia capabilities. There are also laptops, Kindles, and iPads available for use in the Library.

The online library and reference desk are a comprehensive series of easy-to-access resources. The Library subscribes to core academic databases that include Mergent, Hoover’s, Academic Search Elite, Business Search Elite, Medline and more. In addition to online Library database availability throughout the campus, they are also accessible via remote access from off-campus, anywhere an Internet connection can be found (in or out of state).  The Library subscribes to top rated journals and newspapers that include the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The New York Times, US Today and The Journal News which is also available to online students. The Library also has educational and blockbuster DVDs that include free, on demand, online borrowing through Netflix. Over 2,000 other eBooks can be found in the database: Books24x7. Materials not currently available at the CW Library may be obtained from other libraries through our Interlibrary Loan Service.

To view more information about CW’s Online Programs click here

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