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Caring about Life Goals

As yet another tragic event shakes our area, and the US, we are reminded of the positive things – the people who help keep us safe, and each other.  People from diverse walks of life who keep each other safe and care about each other.

This reminds me so much of CW, and my heart is warmed by the resilience, thoughtfulness and consideration of all of those around me, day after day.  We love our students, we care about each other, and we care about what we come to CW to do every single day – help lift up our students and help them seek and find the way, even when things get tough.

As I talked with yet another group of incoming students this past two weeks, I was reminded that one of the things that keeps us moving forward are our goals and dreams.  Our dreams are our most deep desires and belief in our self.  Our goals help us operationalize and reach those dreams.  Goals are often more practical, but just as important.  I always tell students that they are much more likely to reach a goal if they set a goal.

If you have read this far, take a moment to reflect on your goals.  Firstly, do you have a goal for yourself?  If no, Wendy Wollner, CEO of Balancing Life’s Issues, Inc. suggests to think about one bucket of your life – personal, financial, professional, family and spiritual.  Choose one area that especially stands out to you right now, and make a plan that resonates with you.  Write down that goal, and keep it somewhere safe where you can remember it, and work toward it.

While having goals will not stop these bigger negative events from happening, it is important to have hope in our lives, to have a direction to move toward, to give a sense of normalcy and good things to celebrate, no matter what.  We can take control of what we can have some influence on, and let go of those things that we cannot control.

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