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From Theory to Practice: Bodies Exhibit

Students from CW’s Allied Health club, as well as the Health Information Management and Medical Assistant Management programs had the opportunity to take their annual celebratory trip for all of their hard work and efforts throughout the semesters. This year they embarked on the BODIES EXHIBIT located at the Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ. The students enjoyed utilizing their Anatomy and Physiology knowledge as they explored each and every body system in their entirety.  “It is so rewarding to see the excitement and energy our students presented as we toured all of the exhibits,” said Prof. Jones.

Bodies Revealed presents real human figures and organs that reveal the wonder and beauty of the human form. The exhibition shows detailed views of human anatomy, from whole body displays to individual skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, and circulatory systems. Unlike models that idealize the body through the eyes of an artist, this exhibition shows the body and its systems as they really exist, including natural variation.  

Special thanks to the Allied Health Department, as well as Dr. Pough, Dr. Howard, and Prof. Jones.

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