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Boost Productivity to Lower Stress

Student juggling lots of commitments and projects can often feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Aside from hurting our work performance, stress can contribute to chronic health problems if we don’t get a handle on it. Easier said than done? Absolutely. However, there are some strategies you can use to help.

This article shares some strategies to boost your productivity and reduce that feeling of being overwhelmed by projects and to-do list items.

For example, break larger projects into smaller pieces, and deal with small tasks that will just take a few minutes early on so they don’t pile up. Check in with yourself and be realistic about your priorities.

No one is perfect, so be patient with yourself and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Also important: Remember to take a deep breath now and then. It’s like a stress-busting mini-break for the whole body.

CW’s Learning Center offers a welcoming, comfortable environment for students seeking a quiet area for study and computer utilization that helps with time management and stress.  For more information about CW contact our Admissions Office at 1-833-768-2842 or 914-348-4308 or request more information here.

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