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Welcoming New Students – our Springtime Comes Early at CW!

Welcome to our new evening and online students!  Spring comes early for us every year when we hold orientation and welcome students who start classes in the dark days of winter but bring Springtime and light into our halls and our online classroom, Moodle!  While all of our students are special, the ones who decide to start classes during the coldest part of the year really amaze me.  So many people just want to nest and hibernate until Springtime.

I have to applaud all of our students who continue to literally plow through the winter and attend classes, succeed and graduate.  As Spring begins, Commencement is not far away, the most wonderful time of the year for any college!  As our students graduate, we accomplish what we really want to do, help them self-actualize, clarify and realize some of their dreams.

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